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Human Resources Portal

The internal web application used to host HR resources for employees



This web application serves as a centralized repository for employee documents and integrates Microsoft Sharepoint.



Lakeside Logistics ( )

Project Highlights

  • Microsoft Sharepoint is integrated into the app due to HR's business requirement of uploading HR documents into the service
  • To display the "organizational chart," .NET interoperability was used to read a Visio document.
  • Images of company events were read from Microsoft Sharepoint and lazy-loaded in the app for performance. Masonry layout was used for this picture wall so that it is fully responsive to all screen sizes.
  • Integrated Orchard CMS so that HR employees can update the site with no coding.


ASP.NET, backbone.js, Microsoft Sharepoint, Orchard CMS, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, LESS, .NET

My Role

Full Stack Web Developer