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The Mission

Build a web application that is eye-catching and uses data visualization to promote real-time data such as On-Time performance. The secondary goal of the app is to host human resource content such as "The 11 Commandments for an Enthusiastic Team" used to boost morale in a high-stress environment in a call center.

The Challenges

This project had many hurdles, such as:

  • Ensuring the minimal load on the server through the use of caching and efficient SQL queries.
  • Applying interaction design and presenting data in a visually appealing manner.
  • Integrate a CMS to the app so that HR can drag and drop content into the app.
  • Integrate third-party services such as weather maps so that dispatchers at a glance can understand what is happening on the roads.


Lakeside Logistics ( )

Project Highlights

  • SVG used extensively for displaying real-time statistics
  • Application optimized to have very minimal impact on the server when accessing large amounts of data
  • CSS Animations and transitions (such as parallax) used to attract attention
  • Custom CMS used to allow the HR department to easily updated posts


SVG, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, HTML Canvas, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server, Angular, .NET Interop

My Role

Full Stack Web Developer