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Top Navigation Redesign

Enhance Grand & Toy's top navigation by adopting minimalistic styling so that it better aligns with Grand & Toy's brand vision.


The Process

Screenshot of Grand and Toy old navigation

Interface Breakdown

  • Image heavy navigation increases the load time.
  • The mobile navigation hide some content available on desktop.
  • Interacting with the navigation felt clunky due to lack of interaction design.
  • Customers can only access top-level categories from the navigation and will need to go to a landing page to get more specific categories.

Design Opportunities

  • The main focal point is on Navigation bar instead of the most used feature in eCommerce sites which is the search bar.
  • The navigation bar cannot accommodate e-merchandizers ad campaigns.
Screenshot of Grand and Toy old navigation bar

New Top Navigation

Enhanced Navigation


Grand & Toy ( )


  • Minimalistic styling allows for dynamic focal points.
  • The first focal point has become the search bar, which is the most used feature in any e-commerce site.
  • The minimalistic design also shifts the focus to the full-width hero banner.
  • The new top navigation reduces clicks by including third-level categories right in the navigation bar.
  • Personalization is built-in with features such as showing relevant tools dependent on the account type.
  • Strong emphasis on interaction design to guide the users' eyes.
  • Enhanced performance due to removing all the product images contained within the top navigation.
  • E-Merchandising now has a dedicated spot to advertise promotions such as deal center, or flash sale.


ASP.NET, Endeca, C#, HTML, CSS, CSS Transitions & Animations, JavaScript

My Role

Lead Front End UI Developer